
1. Ninety-nine Haskell Problems

These are Haskell translations of Ninety-Nine Lisp Problems. 1

1.1. Problem 1

myLast :: [a] -> a
myLast xs = last xs

1.2. Problem 2

myButLast :: [a] -> a
myButLast = last . init

1.3. Problem 3

elementAt :: [a] -> Int -> a
elementAt xs num =
  last $ take num xs

1.4. Problem 4

myLength :: [a] -> Int
myLength [] = 0
myLength (_:xs) = 1 + myLength xs

1.5. Problem 5

myReverse :: [a] -> [a]
myReverse [] = []
myReverse (x:xs) = myReverse xs ++ [x]

1.6. Problem 6

isPalindrome :: Eq a => [a] -> Bool
isPalindrome xs =
  if xs == reverse xs
  then True
  else False

1.7. Problem 7

data NestedList a = Elem a | List [NestedList a]

flatten :: NestedList a -> [a]
flatten (Elem e) = [e]
flatten (List (x:xs)) = flatten x ++ flatten (List xs)
flatten (List []) = []

1.8. Problem 8

compress :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
compress [] = []
compress (x:xs) = x : (compress $ filter (/= x) xs)

1.9. Problem 9, 10

pack :: Eq a => [a] -> [[a]]
pack [] = []
pack (x:xs) = (x : takeWhile (==x) xs) : pack (dropWhile (==x) xs)

encode :: Eq a => [a] -> [(Int, a)]
encode [] = []
encode xs =
  count p where
  p = pack xs
  count [] = []
  count (x:xs) = (length x, head x) : count xs

1.10. Problem 11

data EncodedData a = Single a | Multiple Int a
                   deriving (Show)

pack :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [[a]]
pack [] = []
pack (x:xs) = [x : takeWhile (==x) xs] ++ pack (dropWhile (==x) xs)

encodeModified :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [EncodedData a]
encodeModified = encode . pack
    encode [] = []
    encode (x:xs) =
      if length x == 1
      then Single (head x) : encode xs
      else Multiple (length x) (head x) : encode xs

1.11. Problem 12

data EncodedData a = Single a | Multiple Int a
                   deriving (Show)

decodeModified :: Eq a => [EncodedData a] -> [a]
decodeModified = concatMap decode
    decode (Single x) = [x]
    decode (Multiple n x) = replicate n x

1.12. Problem 13

data EncodedData a = Single a | Multiple Int a
                   deriving (Show)

encodeDirect :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [EncodedData a]
encodeDirect [] = []
encodeDirect (x:xs) =
  if (head xs) /= x
  then Single x : encodeDirect xs
    Multiple (((+1) . length . takeWhile (==x)) xs) x
    : encodeDirect (dropWhile (==x) xs)

1.13. Problem 14

dupli :: [a] -> [a]
dupli [] = []
dupli (x:xs) =
  x : x : dupli xs

1.14. Problem 15

repli :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
repli [] _ = []
repli (x:xs) n =
  replicate n x ++ repli xs n

1.15. Problem 16

dropEvery :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropEvery [] _ = []
dropEvery xs n = dhelper xs n n
    dhelper [] _ _ = []
    dhelper (x:xs) n 1 = dhelper xs n n
    dhelper (x:xs) n m = x : (dhelper xs n (m - 1))

1.16. Problem 17

split :: [a] -> Int -> ([a], [a])
split [] _ = ([], [])
split l@(x:xs) n =
  if n > 0
  then (x : ys, zs)
  else ([], l)
       where (ys, zs) = split xs (n - 1)

1.17. Problem 18

slice :: [a] -> Int -> Int -> [a]
slice [] _ _ = []
slice l start end =
  if start >= end
  then l
  else drop (start - 1) $ take end l

1.18. Problem 19

rotate :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
rotate [] _ = []
rotate xs n
  | abs n >= length xs = xs
  | n >= 0 = drop n xs ++ take n xs
  | otherwise = drop trunk xs ++ take trunk xs
                where trunk = length xs + n

1.19. Problem 20

removeAt :: Int -> [a] -> (Maybe a, [a])
removeAt _ [] = (Nothing, [])
removeAt ith xs
  | ith > length xs
    || ith <= 0 = (Nothing, xs)
  | otherwise = (Just cha, str) where
    cha = (last . (take ith)) xs
    str = (take (ith-1) xs) ++ (drop ith xs)

1.20. Problem 21

insertAt :: a -> [a] -> Int -> [a]
insertAt ch xs i
  | i <= 0 = ch : xs
  | i > length xs = xs ++ [ch]
  | otherwise = (take (i-1) xs) ++ [ch] ++ (drop (i-1) xs)

1.21. Problem 22

range :: (Enum a, Ord a) => a -> a -> [a]
range i j
  | i > j = []
  | otherwise = helper [i] j where
      helper xs j
        | last xs == j = xs
        | otherwise = helper (xs ++ [(succ . last) xs]) j

1.22. Problem 23

import System.Random (randomRIO)

rnd_select :: [a] -> Int -> IO [a]
rnd_select xs n
  | n < 0 = error "N must be greater than zero."
  | n == 0 = return []
  | otherwise = do
      r <- randomRIO (1, length xs)
      rest <- rnd_select (init (take r xs) ++ drop r xs) (n - 1)
      return $ (xs !! (r - 1)) : rest

1.23. Problem 24

import System.Random (randomRIO)

diff_select :: Int -> Int -> IO [Int]
diff_select n m
  | m < 1 = error "M must be greater than 1"
  | n > m = error "N must be less than M"
  | otherwise = helper n [1..m] where
      helper :: Int -> [Int] -> IO [Int]
      helper n xs =
        if n <= 0
        then return []
        else do
          r <- randomRIO (1, length xs)
          rest <- helper (n - 1) (init (take r xs) ++ drop r xs)
          return $ (xs !! (r - 1)) : rest

1.24. Problem 25

import System.Random (randomRIO)

rnd_permu :: [a] -> IO [a]
rnd_permu xs
  | length xs == 0 = return []
  | otherwise = do
      r <- randomRIO (1, length xs)
      rest <- rnd_permu $ (init $ take r xs) ++ drop r xs
      return $ xs !! (r - 1) : rest

1.25. Problem 26

combinations :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
combinations 0 _ = [[]]
combinations _ [] = [[]]
combinations i (x:xs) = x_start ++ others
  where x_start = [x : rest | rest <- combinations (i-1) xs]
        others = if i <= length xs
                 then combinations i xs
                 else []

1.26. Problem 27

import Data.List
import Data.Ord (comparing)
combination :: Int -> [a] -> [([a], [a])]
combination 0 xs = [([], xs)]
combination n [] = []
combination n (x:xs) = ts ++ ds
  where ts = [ (x:ys, zs) | (ys, zs) <- combination (n-1) xs ]
        ds = [ (ys, x:zs) | (ys, zs) <- combination n xs ]

group :: [Int] -> [a] -> [[[a]]]
group [] _ = [[]]
group (n:ns) xs =
  [ g:gs | (g, rs) <- combination n xs
         , gs      <- group ns rs ]

1.27. Problem 28

import Data.List
import Data.Ord (comparing)
lsort :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lsort = sortBy (comparing length)
lfsort :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
lfsort lists = concat groups
  where groups = lsort $ groupBy equalLength $ lsort lists
        equalLength xs ys = length xs == length ys

1.28. Problem 31

isPrime :: Integral a => a -> Bool
isPrime n
  | n < 2 = error "Error!"
  | n == 2 = True
  | otherwise = pprime [2..n]
    pprime (x:xs)
      | xs == [] = True
      | mod (last xs) x == 0 = False
      | otherwise = pprime xs

1.29. Problem 32

myGCD :: Integral a => a -> a -> a
myGCD x y =
  helper x' y' where
    x' = maximum [abs x, abs y] -- greater one
    y' = minimum [abs x, abs y] -- less one
    helper a b =
      let m = mod a b in
        if m == 0
        then b
          helper b m

1.30. Problem 33, 34

coprime :: Integral a => a -> a -> Bool
coprime x y =
  if gcd x y == 1 then True else False

totient :: Int -> Int
totient x
  | abs x == 0 = error "Error."
  | otherwise = length primes
    x' = abs x
    primes = filter (coprime x') [1..x']

1.31. Problem 35, 36, 37

import Data.List

primeFactors :: Integral a => a -> [a]
primeFactors n =
  if n == 1 || ps' == []
  then []
    head ps' : primeFactors (div n' (head ps'))
    primes = filterPrime [2..]
      where filterPrime (p:xs) =
              p : filterPrime [x | x <- xs, mod x p /= 0]
    n' = abs n
    ps = filter (<= n') primes
    ps' = filter ((==0) . mod n') ps

prime_factors_mult :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
prime_factors_mult x =
  concatMap (\x -> [(x, pcount x ps)]) ups
    ps = primeFactors x
    ups = nub ps
    pcount p ps = length $ filter (==p) ps

totient m =
  product [(p - 1) * p ^ (c - 1)
          | (p, c) <- prime_factors_mult m]

1.32. Problem 39, 40, 41

import Data.Maybe

isPrime :: Integral a => a -> Bool
isPrime n
  | n < 2 = error "Error!"
  | n == 2 = True
  | otherwise = pprime [2..n]
    pprime (x:xs)
      | xs == [] = True
      | mod (last xs) x == 0 = False
      | otherwise = pprime xs

primesR :: Integral a => a -> a -> [a]
primesR x y
  | x > y || x < 2 = error "Error!!!"
  | otherwise =
    [x | x <- [x..y], isPrime x]

goldbach :: Integral a => a -> Maybe (a, a)
goldbach n =
  if l == []
  then Nothing
  else Just $ head l
    l = [(x, y) | x <- pr, y <- pr, x + y == n]
    pr = primesR 2 (n-2)

goldbachList :: Integral a => a -> a -> Maybe [(a, a)]
goldbachList x y
  | x > y = Nothing
  | otherwise = Just s
      s = [(fromJust . goldbach) a
          | a <- [x..y],
            (not . isNothing . goldbach) a,
            even a]

1.33. Problem 46, 47, 48

import Control.Monad (replicateM)

and' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
and' True True = True
and' _ _ = False

or' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
or' False False = False
or' _ _ = True

equ' :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
equ' False False = True
equ' True True = True
equ' _ _ = False

table :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> IO ()
table f = putStrLn $ concatMap (++ "\n")
          [show a ++ " " ++ show b ++ " " ++ show (f a b)
          | a <- [True, False], b <- [True, False]]

-- Problem 47
infixl 4 `or'`
infixl 6 `and'`

table2 = table

-- Problem 48
infixl 3 `equ'`

tablen :: Int -> ([Bool] -> Bool) -> IO ()
tablen n f = mapM_ putStrLn [toStr a ++ " " ++ show (f a) | a <- args n]
  where args n = replicateM n [True, False]
        toStr = unwords . map (\x -> show x)

1.34. Problem 49

import Control.Monad (replicateM)

gray :: Int -> [[Char]]
gray x = replicateM x ['0', '1']

1.35. Problem 50

import Data.List
import Data.Ord (comparing)

data HTree a = Leaf a | Branch (HTree a) (HTree a)
             deriving Show

huffman :: (Ord a, Ord w, Num w) => [(a, w)] -> [(a, [Char])]
huffman freq = sortBy (comparing fst) $ serialize $
               htree $ sortBy (comparing fst) $ [(w, Leaf x) | (x, w) <- freq]
  where htree [(_, t)] = t
        htree ((w1, t1) : (w2, t2) : wts) =
          htree $ insertBy (comparing fst) (w1 + w2, Branch t1 t2) wts
        serialize (Branch l r) =
          [(x, '0':code) | (x, code) <- serialize l] ++
          [(x, '1':code) | (x, code) <- serialize r]
        serialize (Leaf x) = [(x, "")]

1.36. Problem 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60

import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)

data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
            deriving (Show, Eq)

cbalTree :: Int -> [Tree Char]
cbalTree 0 = [Empty]
cbalTree n = let (q, r) = (n - 1) `quotRem` 2
  in [Branch 'x' left right | i     <- [q .. q + r],
                              left  <- cbalTree i,
                              right <- cbalTree (n - i - 1)]

mirror :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Bool
mirror Empty Empty = True
mirror (Branch _ l r) (Branch _ l' r') = mirror l r' && mirror r l'
mirror _ _ = False

symmetric :: Tree a -> Bool
symmetric t = mirror t t

-- Binary Search Tree
construct :: Integral a => [a] -> Tree a
construct [] = Empty
construct (x:xs) =
  let (l, r) = partition (< x) xs in
    Branch x (construct l) (construct r)
-- BST ends here.

symCbalTree :: Int -> [Tree Char]
symCbalTree = (filter symmetric) . cbalTree

hbalTree :: a -> Int -> [Tree a]
hbalTree x 0 = [Empty]
hbalTree x 1 = [Branch x Empty Empty]
hbalTree x h = [Branch x l r |
                (hl, hr) <- [(h-2, h-1), (h-1, h-1), (h-1, h-2)],
                l <- hbalTree x hl, r <- hbalTree x hr]

hbalTreeNodes :: a -> Int -> [Tree a]
hbalTreeNodes _ 0 = [Empty]
hbalTreeNodes x n = concatMap toFilteredTrees [minHeight .. maxHeight]
  where toFilteredTrees = filter ((n ==) . countNodes) . hbalTree x
        minNodesSeq = 0:1:zipWith ((+) . (+1)) minNodesSeq (tail minNodesSeq)
        minNodes = (minNodesSeq !!)
        minHeight = ceiling $ logBase 2 $ fromIntegral (n+1)
        maxHeight = (fromJust $ findIndex (>n) minNodesSeq) - 1
        countNodes Empty = 0
        countNodes (Branch _ l r) = 1 + countNodes l + countNodes r

1.37. Problem 61, 62, 63

data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
  deriving (Show, Eq)

tree4 = Branch 1 (Branch 2 Empty (Branch 4 Empty Empty))
                 (Branch 2 Empty Empty)

countLeaves :: Tree a -> Integer
countLeaves Empty = 0
countLeaves (Branch _ Empty Empty) = 1
countLeaves (Branch _ l r) =
  countLeaves l + countLeaves r

leaves :: Tree a -> [a]
leaves Empty = []
leaves (Branch x Empty Empty) = [x]
leaves (Branch _ l r) =
  leaves l ++ leaves r

internals :: Tree a -> [a]
internals Empty = []
internals (Branch _ Empty Empty) = []
internals (Branch x l r) =
  x : (internals l ++ internals r)

atLevel :: Tree a -> Int -> [a]
atLevel Empty _ = []
atLevel (Branch x l r) n =
  if n == 1
  then [x]
    atLevel l (n-1) ++ atLevel r (n-1)

completeBinaryTree :: Int -> Tree Char
completeBinaryTree n = generate_tree 1
  where generate_tree x =
          if x > n then Empty
          else Branch 'x' (generate_tree (2*x))
                          (generate_tree (2*x+1))

calCompleteHeight :: Tree Char -> Maybe Int
calCompleteHeight Empty = Just 0
calCompleteHeight (Branch _ l r) = do
  hr <- calCompleteHeight r
  hl <- calCompleteHeight l
  if (hl == hr) || (hl - hr == 1)
    then return $ 1 + hl
    else Nothing
isCompleteBinaryTree = (/= Nothing) . calCompleteHeight

1.38. Problem 64

data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
  deriving (Show, Eq)

tree64 = Branch 'n'
                (Branch 'k'
                        (Branch 'c'
                                (Branch 'a' Empty Empty)
                                (Branch 'h'
                                        (Branch 'g'
                                                (Branch 'e' Empty Empty)
                        (Branch 'm' Empty Empty)
                (Branch 'u'
                        (Branch 'p'
                                (Branch 's'
                                        (Branch 'q' Empty Empty)

type Pos = (Int, Int)

layout :: Tree a -> Tree (a, Pos)
layout t = fst (layoutHelper 1 1 t)
  where layoutHelper x y Empty = (Empty, x)
        layoutHelper x y (Branch a l r) = (Branch (a, (x', y)) l' r', x'')
          where (l', x') = layoutHelper x (y+1) l
                (r', x'') = layoutHelper (x'+1) (y+1) r

2. Exercises of Haskell Programming from First Principles

2.1. Chapter 10

-- 10.10
-- Given the following sets of consonants and vowels...
-- 1
stops = "pbtdkg"
vowels = "aeiou"
-- a)
triples stops vowels = [(x, y, z) | x <- stops, y <- vowels, z <- stops]
-- b)
triplesP stops vowels = [(x, y, z) | x <- stops, y <- vowels, z <- stops, x == 'p']
-- c)
nouns = ["cat", "dog", "banana"]
verbs = ["love", "kiss", "like"]
nounVerbNoun nouns verbs = [n ++ " " ++ v ++ " " ++ n' | n <- nouns, v <- verbs, n' <- nouns]

-- 2
-- this function calculates the average number of letters every word contains
avgWordLength x =
  (/) (fromIntegral letterNum) (fromIntegral wordNum)
      letterNum = (sum (map length (words x)))
      wordNum = (length (words x))

-- rewrite functions using folds
-- 1
myOr :: [Bool] -> Bool
myOr = foldr (||) False

-- 2
myAny :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
myAny f = foldr ((||) . f) False

-- 3
myElem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
myElem n = foldr ((||) . (==) n) False

-- 4
myReverse :: [a] -> [a]
myReverse = foldl (flip (:)) []

-- 5
myMap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
myMap f = foldr ((:) . f) []

-- 6
myFilter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
myFilter f = foldr (\x y -> if (f x) then x : y else y) []

-- 7
squish :: [[a]] -> [a]
squish = foldr (++) []

-- 8
squishMap :: (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> [b]
squishMap f = foldr ((++) . f) []

-- 9
squishAgain :: [[a]] -> [a]
squishAgain = squishMap id

-- 10
myMaximumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
myMaximumBy f xs = foldr (\x y -> if f x y == GT then x else y) (last xs) xs

-- 11
myMinimumBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> [a] -> a
myMinimumBy f xs = foldr (\x y -> if f x y == LT then x else y) (last xs) xs

2.2. Chapter 11

data Price =
  Price Integer
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data Manufacturer =
  Mini | Mazda | Tata
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data Airline =
  PapuAir | CatapultsR'Us | TakeYourChancesUnited
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data Vehicle =
  Car Manufacturer Price
  | Plane Airline
  deriving (Eq, Show)

myCar = Car Mini (Price 14000)
urCar = Car Mazda (Price 20000)
clownCar = Car Tata (Price 7000)
doge = Plane PapuAir

isCar :: Vehicle -> Bool
isCar (Car _ _) = True
isCar (Plane _) = False

isPlane :: Vehicle -> Bool
isPlane (Car _ _) = False
isPlane (Plane _) = True

areCars :: [Vehicle] -> [Bool]
areCars = map isCar

getManu :: Vehicle -> Manufacturer
getManu (Car m _) = m
data OperatingSystem =
  | OpenBSDPlusNevermindJustBSDStill
  | Mac
  | Windows
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data ProgrammingLanguage =
  | Agda
  | Idris
  | PureScript
  deriving (Eq, Show)

data Programmer =
  Programmer { os :: OperatingSystem
             , lang :: ProgrammingLanguage }
  deriving (Eq, Show)

allOperatingSystems :: [OperatingSystem]
allOperatingSystems =
  [ GnuPlusLinux
  , OpenBSDPlusNevermindJustBSDStill
  , Mac
  , Windows ]

allLanguages :: [ProgrammingLanguage]
allLanguages =
  [ Haskell
  , Agda
  , Idris
  , PureScript ]

allProgrammers :: [Programmer]
allProgrammers = [Programmer { os = o, lang = l}
                 | o <- allOperatingSystems , l <- allLanguages]
-- Write map for BinaryTree
data BinaryTree a =
  | Node (BinaryTree a) a (BinaryTree a)
  deriving(Ord, Eq, Show)

mapTree :: (a -> b) -> BinaryTree a -> BinaryTree b
mapTree _ Leaf = Leaf
mapTree f (Node left a right) =
  Node (mapTree f left) (f a) (mapTree f right)

testTree' :: BinaryTree Integer
testTree' =
  Node (Node Leaf 3 Leaf) 1 (Node Leaf 4 Leaf)

mapExpected =
  Node (Node Leaf 4 Leaf) 2 (Node Leaf 5 Leaf)

mapOkay =
  if mapTree (+1) testTree' == mapExpected
  then print "yup okay!"
  else error "test failed!"

-- Convert binarry trees to lists
preorder :: BinaryTree a -> [a]
preorder Leaf = []
preorder (Node left b right) = [b] ++ (preorder left) ++ (preorder right)

inorder :: BinaryTree a -> [a]
inorder Leaf = []
inorder (Node left b right) = (inorder left) ++ [b] ++ (inorder right)

postorder :: BinaryTree a -> [a]
postorder Leaf = []
postorder (Node left b right) = (postorder left) ++ (postorder right) ++ [b]

testTree :: BinaryTree Integer
testTree = Node (Node Leaf 1 Leaf) 2 (Node Leaf 3 Leaf)

testPreorder :: IO ()
testPreorder =
  if preorder testTree == [2, 1, 3]
  then putStrLn "Preorder succeeded!"
  else putStrLn "Preorder failed!"

testInorder :: IO ()
testInorder =
  if inorder testTree == [1, 2, 3]
  then putStrLn "Inorder succeeded!"
  else putStrLn "Inorder failed!"

testPostorder :: IO ()
testPostorder =
  if postorder testTree == [1, 3, 2]
  then putStrLn "Postorder succeeded!"
  else putStrLn "Postorder failed!"

-- Write foldr for BinaryTree
foldTree :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> BinaryTree a -> b
foldTree f b bt = foldr f b (preorder bt)

testFoldTree :: IO ()
testFoldTree =
  if (foldTree (+) 1 testTree == 7)
  then putStrLn "foldTree succeeded!"
  else putStrLn "foldTree failed!"
import Data.Char

-- 1
isSubsequenceOf :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
isSubsequenceOf [] _ = True
isSubsequenceOf _ [] = False
isSubsequenceOf xa@(x:xs) (y:ys) =
  if x == y
  then isSubsequenceOf xs ys
  else isSubsequenceOf xa ys

-- 2
capitalizeWords :: String -> [(String, String)]
capitalizeWords [] = []
capitalizeWords s =
  [(w, ((toUpper . head $ w) : tail w)) | w <- (words s)]
import Data.Char

-- 1
capitalizeWord :: String -> String
capitalizeWord [] = []
capitalizeWord (w:ws) = toUpper w : ws
-- 2
capitalizeParagraph :: String -> String
capitalizeParagraph = go True
    go _ [] = []
    go doIt (' ':cs) = ' ' : go doIt cs
    go doIt ('.':cs) = '.' : go True cs
    go False (c:cs) = c : go False cs
    go True (c:cs) = toUpper c : go False cs
import Data.Char
import Data.List

-- 1
type Digit = Char
type Presses = Int

data Button = Button Digit String deriving (Show)
data DaPhone = DaPhone [Button] deriving (Show)
phone :: DaPhone
phone = DaPhone [ Button '1' "1"
                , Button '2' "abc2"
                , Button '3' "def3"
                , Button '4' "ghi4"
                , Button '5' "jkl5"
                , Button '6' "mno6"
                , Button '7' "pqrs7"
                , Button '8' "tuv8"
                , Button '9' "wxyz9"
                , Button '*' ""
                , Button '0' " 0"
                , Button '#' "." ] 
-- 2
convo :: [String]
convo = [ "Wanna play 20 questions"
        , "Ya"
        , "U 1st haha"
        , "Lol ok. Have u ever tasted alcohol lol"
        , "Lol ya"
        , "Wow ur cool haha. Ur turn"
        , "Ok. Do u think I am pretty Lol"
        , "Lol ya"
        , "Haha thanks just making sure rofl ur turn" ]

containCharacter :: Char -> Button -> Bool
containCharacter x (Button y ys) = (toLower x) `elem` ys

findButton :: DaPhone -> Char -> Button
findButton (DaPhone buttons) x =
  head $ filter (containCharacter x) buttons

numberOfPresses :: String -> Char -> Presses
numberOfPresses [] _ = 0
numberOfPresses (x:xs) y =
  if x == toLower y
  then 1
  else 1 + numberOfPresses xs y

reverseTaps :: DaPhone -> Char -> [(Digit, Presses)]
reverseTaps phone x = uppercaseTap ++ digitTap
    (Button digit chars) = findButton phone x
    uppercaseTap = if isUpper x then [('*', 1)] else []
    digitTap = [(digit, numberOfPresses chars x)]

flatten :: [[a]] -> [a]
flatten = foldr (++) []

cellPhonesDead :: DaPhone -> String -> [(Digit, Presses)]
cellPhonesDead p = flatten . map (reverseTaps p)

-- 3
fingerTaps :: [(Digit, Presses)] -> Presses
fingerTaps = sum . map snd

-- 4
countLetters :: String -> Char -> Int
countLetters str c = length $ filter (== c) str

mostPopularLetter :: String -> Char
mostPopularLetter [] = '\x0'
mostPopularLetter str = fst $ head $ filter ((== mx) . snd) lc
    lc = [(e, countLetters str e) | e <- nub str]
    mx = maximum $ map snd lc

countWords :: String -> String -> Int
countWords str w = length $ filter (== w) (words str)

mostPopularWord :: String -> String
mostPopularWord [] = "\x0"
mostPopularWord str = fst $ head $ filter ((== mx) . snd) lc
    lc = [(e, countWords str e) | e <- nub $ words str]
    mx = maximum $ map snd lc

coolestLtr :: [String] -> Char
coolestLtr = mostPopularLetter . flatten

coolestWord :: [String] -> String
coolestWord = mostPopularWord . flatten
data Expr =
  Lit Integer
  | Add Expr Expr

eval :: Expr -> Integer
eval (Lit i) = i
eval (Add e e') = (eval e) + (eval e')

printExpr :: Expr -> String
printExpr (Lit i) = show i
printExpr (Add e e') = (printExpr e) ++ " + " ++ (printExpr e')

2.3. Chapter 12

-- 12.5 Chapter Exercises
import Data.Char
import Data.List
-- String processing
-- 1
notThe :: String -> Maybe String
notThe w =
  if w /= "the"
  then Just w
  else Nothing

vowels = "aeiou"

replaceThe :: String -> String
replaceThe s = unwords $ map (sub . notThe) (words s)
    sub Nothing = "a"
    sub (Just w) = w

-- 2
countTheBeforeVowel :: String -> Integer
countTheBeforeVowel [] = 0
countTheBeforeVowel s =
  if length w <= 1
  then 0
    if w!!0 == "the" && (w!!1)!!0 `elem` vowels
    then 1 + (countTheBeforeVowel s')
    else countTheBeforeVowel s'
    w = words s
    s' = unwords $ drop 1 w

-- 3
countVowels :: String -> Integer
countVowels [] = 0
countVowels (c:cs) =
  if (toLower c) `elem` vowels
  then 1 + countVowels cs
  else countVowels cs
-- Another solution
countVowels' :: String -> Integer
countVowels' = sum . map (\x -> if (toLower x) `elem` vowels
                           then 1 else 0)
-- Validate the word
consonants = ['a'..'z'] \\ vowels
countConsonants :: String -> Integer
countConsonants = sum . map (\x -> if (toLower x) `elem` consonants
                              then 1 else 0)
newtype Word' = Word' String
  deriving (Eq, Show)
mkWord :: String -> Maybe Word'
mkWord str =
  if vn > cn
  then Nothing
  else Just (Word' str)
    vn = countVowels str
    cn = countConsonants str
-- It's only Natural
data Nat =
  | Succ Nat
  deriving (Eq, Show)

natToInteger :: Nat -> Integer
natToInteger Zero = 0
natToInteger (Succ n) = 1 + (natToInteger n)

integerToNat :: Integer -> Maybe Nat
integerToNat i
  | i < 0 = Nothing
  | i == 0 = Just Zero
  | otherwise = fmap Succ (integerToNat (i - 1))
-- Small library for Maybe

-- 1
isJust :: Maybe a -> Bool
isJust Nothing = False
isJust (Just _) = True

isNothing :: Maybe a -> Bool
isNothing Nothing = True
isNothing (Just _) = False

-- 2
mayybee :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
mayybee m _ Nothing = m
mayybee _ f (Just n) = f n

-- 3
fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe m Nothing = m
fromMaybe _ (Just n) = n

-- 4
listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
listToMaybe [] = Nothing
listToMaybe (x:xs) = Just x

maybeToList :: Maybe a -> [a]
maybeToList Nothing = []
maybeToList (Just x) = [x]

-- 5
catMaybes :: [Maybe a] -> [a]
catMaybes = concatMap m2l
    m2l Nothing = []
    m2l (Just x) = [x]

-- 6
flipMaybe :: [Maybe a] -> Maybe [a]
flipMaybe xs = ck $ catMaybes xs
    ck [] = Nothing
    ck x = Just x
-- Small library for Either

-- 1
lefts' :: [Either a b] -> [a]
lefts' = foldr pickLeft []
  where pickLeft (Right x) l = l
        pickLeft (Left x) l = x:l

-- 2
rights' :: [Either a b] -> [b]
rights' = foldr pickRight []
  where pickRight (Right x) l = x:l
        pickRight (Left x) l = l

-- 3
partitionEithers' :: [Either a b] -> ([a], [b])
partitionEithers' xs = (lefts' xs, rights' xs)

-- 4
eitherMaybe' :: (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Maybe c
eitherMaybe' _ (Left x) = Nothing
eitherMaybe' f (Right x) = Just (f x)

-- 5
either' :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c
either' f _ (Left x) = f x
either' _ f (Right x) = f x

-- 6
eitherMaybe'' :: (b -> c) -> Either a b -> Maybe c
eitherMaybe'' f = either' (\_ -> Nothing) (Just . f)
-- Write your own iterate and unfoldr
myIterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
myIterate f x = [x] ++ (myIterate f (f x))

myUnfoldr :: (b -> Maybe (a, b)) -> b -> [a]
myUnfoldr f x = [pickFst (f x)] ++ (myUnfoldr f (pickSnd (f x)))
    pickFst :: Maybe (a, b) -> a
    pickFst (Just (x, y)) = x
    pickSnd :: Maybe (a, b) -> b
    pickSnd (Just (x, y)) = y

betterIterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
betterIterate f x = myUnfoldr (\x -> Just (x, (f x))) x
-- Finally something other than a list!
data BinaryTree a =
  | Node (BinaryTree a) a (BinaryTree a)
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- 1
-- unfold (\x -> Myabe (x, x+1, x)) 0
unfold :: (a -> Maybe (a, b, a)) -> a -> BinaryTree b
unfold f a =
  case f a of
    Nothing -> Leaf
    Just (x, y, z) -> Node (unfold f x) y (unfold f z)

-- 2
treeBuild :: Integer -> BinaryTree Integer
treeBuild n = unfold treeHelper 0
  where treeHelper a
          | a < n = Just (a+1, a , a+1)
          | otherwise = Nothing

2.4. Chapter 15

-- Optional monoid
import Data.Monoid

data Optional a =
  | Only a
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Monoid a => Monoid (Optional a) where
  mempty = Nada
  mappend (Only x) Nada = Only x
  mappend Nada (Only x) = Only x
  mappend (Only x) (Only y) = Only (mappend x y)

2.5. Chapter 16

-- Exercises: Heavy Lifting
a = fmap (+1) $ read "[1]" :: [Int]
b = (fmap . fmap) (++ "lol") (Just ["Hi,", "Hello"])
c = fmap (*2) (\x -> x - 2)
d = fmap ((return '1' ++) . show) (\x -> [x, 1..3])
e :: IO Integer
e = let ioi = readIO "1" :: IO Integer
        changed = fmap read $ fmap ("123"++) $ fmap show ioi
    in fmap (*3) changed
-- 16.10 Exercises: Instances of Func
-- 1
newtype Identity a = Identity a deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor Identity where
  fmap f (Identity a) = Identity (f a)
-- 2
data Pair a = Pair a a deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor Pair where
  fmap f (Pair a b) = Pair (f a) (f b)
-- 3
data Two a b = Two a b deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Two a) where
  fmap f (Two a b) = Two a (f b)
-- 4
data Three a b c = Three a b c deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Three a b) where
  fmap f (Three a b c) = Three a b (f c)
-- 5
data Three' a b = Three' a b b deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Three' a) where
  fmap f (Three' a b c) = Three' a (f b) (f c)
-- 6
data Four a b c d = Four a b c d deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Four a b c) where
  fmap f (Four a b c d) = Four a b c (f d)
-- 7
data Four' a b = Four' a a a b deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Four' a) where
  fmap f (Four' a b c d) = Four' a b c (f d)
-- 8
-- Trivial cannot be implemented because it has kind * while a Functor
-- instance requires a kind * -> *
-- Exercise: Possibly
data Possibly a =
  | Yeppers a
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Functor Possibly where
  fmap f (Yeppers a) = Yeppers (f a)
  fmap f LolNope = LolNope

-- Short Exercise
-- 1
data Sum a b =
    First a
  | Second b
  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (Sum a) where
  fmap f (First a) = First a
  fmap f (Second b) = Second (f b)
-- 2
-- becuase the Left argument is a part of the Fucntor instance
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- 16.17 Chapter exercises
import GHC.Arr
-- 1
data Bool =
  False | True
-- no Functor instance
-- 2
data BoolAndSomethingElse a = False' a | True' a
instance Functor BoolAndSomethingElse where
  fmap f (False' a) = False' (f a)
  fmap f (True' a) = True' (f a)
-- 3
data BoolAndMaybeSomethingElse a = Falsish | Truish a
instance Functor BoolAndMaybeSomethingElse where
  fmap f (Truish a) = Truish (f a)
-- 4
newtype Mu f = InF { outF :: f (Mu f) }
-- I try to write implement a Functor instance for Mu but I failed. I
-- think it cannot be a Functor instance because Mu has kind (* -> *)
-- -> * but a Functor requires kind * -> *
-- 5
data D = D (Array Word Word) Int Int
-- It cannot be a Functor instance

-- Rearrange the arguments to the type constructor of the datatype so
-- the Functor instance works.
-- 1
data Sum a b =
    First b
  | Second a
instance Functor (Sum e) where
  fmap f (First a) = First (f a)
  fmap f (Second b) = Second b
-- 2
data Company a b c =
    DeepBlue a b
  | Something c
instance Functor (Company e e') where
  fmap f (Something b) = Something (f b)
  fmap _ (DeepBlue a c) = DeepBlue a c
-- 3
data More a b =
    L b a b
  | R a b a
  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (More x) where
  fmap f (L a b a') = L (f a) b (f a')
  fmap f (R b a b') = R b (f a) b'
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- 16.17 Chapter exercises
import GHC.Arr
-- 1
data Bool =
  False | True
-- no Functor instance
-- 2
data BoolAndSomethingElse a = False' a | True' a
instance Functor BoolAndSomethingElse where
  fmap f (False' a) = False' (f a)
  fmap f (True' a) = True' (f a)
-- 3
data BoolAndMaybeSomethingElse a = Falsish | Truish a
instance Functor BoolAndMaybeSomethingElse where
  fmap f (Truish a) = Truish (f a)
-- 4
newtype Mu f = InF { outF :: f (Mu f) }
-- I try to write implement a Functor instance for Mu but I failed. I
-- think it cannot be a Functor instance because Mu has kind (* -> *)
-- -> * but a Functor requires kind * -> *
-- 5
data D = D (Array Word Word) Int Int
-- It cannot be a Functor instance

-- Rearrange the arguments to the type constructor of the datatype so
-- the Functor instance works.
-- 1
data Sum a b =
    First b
  | Second a
instance Functor (Sum e) where
  fmap f (First a) = First (f a)
  fmap f (Second b) = Second b
-- 2
data Company a b c =
    DeepBlue a b
  | Something c
instance Functor (Company e e') where
  fmap f (Something b) = Something (f b)
  fmap _ (DeepBlue a c) = DeepBlue a c
-- 3
data More a b =
    L b a b
  | R a b a
  deriving (Eq, Show)
instance Functor (More x) where
  fmap f (L a b a') = L (f a) b (f a')
  fmap f (R b a b') = R b (f a) b'
-- Write Functor instances for the following datatypes.
-- 1
data Quant a b =
  | Desk a
  | Bloor b
instance Functor (Quant a) where
  fmap f Finance = Finance
  fmap f (Desk a) = Desk a
  fmap f (Bloor b) = Bloor (f b)
-- 2
data K a b = K a
instance Functor (K a) where
  fmap f (K a) = K a
-- 3
newtype Flip f a b =
  Flip (f b a)
  deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype K' a b = K' a
instance Functor (Flip K' a) where
  fmap f (Flip (K' a)) = Flip $ K' (f a)
-- 4
data EvilGoateeConst a b =
  GoatyConst b
instance Functor (EvilGoateeConst a) where
  fmap f (GoatyConst a) = GoatyConst (f a)
-- 5
data LiftItOut f a =
  LiftItOut (f a)
instance Functor g => Functor (LiftItOut g) where
  fmap f (LiftItOut a) = LiftItOut (fmap f a)
-- 6
data Parappa f g a =
  DaWrappa (f a) (g a)
instance (Functor g, Functor h) => Functor (Parappa g h) where
  fmap f (DaWrappa g h) = DaWrappa (fmap f g) (fmap f h)
-- 7
data IgnoreOne f g a b =
  IgnoringSomething (f a) (g b)
instance Functor g => Functor (IgnoreOne f g a) where
  fmap f (IgnoringSomething x y) = IgnoringSomething x (fmap f y)
-- 8
data Notorious g o a t =
  Notorious (g o) (g a) (g t)
instance Functor g => Functor (Notorious g o a) where
  fmap f (Notorious x y z) = Notorious x y (fmap f z)
-- 9
data List a'' =
  | Cons a'' (List a'')
instance Functor List where
  fmap f Nil = Nil
  fmap f (Cons a'' b'') = Cons (f a'') (fmap f b'')
-- 10
data GoatLord a =
  | OneGoat a
  | MoreGoats (GoatLord a) (GoatLord a) (GoatLord a)
instance Functor GoatLord where
  fmap f NoGoat = NoGoat
  fmap f (OneGoat a) = OneGoat (f a)
  fmap f (MoreGoats x y z) = MoreGoats (fmap f x) (fmap f y) (fmap f z)
-- 11
data TalkToMe a =
  | Print String a
  | Read (String -> a)
instance Functor TalkToMe where
  fmap _ Halt = Halt
  fmap f (Print str a) = Print str (f a)
  fmap f (Read s2a) = Read (f . s2a)

2.6. Chapter 17

-- 17.5 Applicative in use
-- Exercises: Lookups
import Data.List (elemIndex)
-- 1
added :: Maybe Integer
added = (+3) <$> (lookup 3 $ zip [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6])
-- 2
y :: Maybe Integer
y = lookup 3 $ zip [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]
z :: Maybe Integer
z = lookup 2 $ zip [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]
tupled :: Maybe (Integer, Integer)
tupled = (,) <$> y <*> z
-- 3
x' :: Maybe Int
x' = elemIndex 3 [1..5]
y' :: Maybe Int
y' = elemIndex 4 [1..5]
max' :: Int -> Int -> Int
max' = max
maxed :: Maybe Int
maxed = max' <$> x' <*> y'
-- 4
xs = [1..3]
ys = [4..6]
x'' :: Maybe Integer
x'' = lookup 3 $ zip xs ys
y'' :: Maybe Integer
y'' = lookup 2 $ zip xs ys
summed :: Maybe Integer
summed = sum <$> ( (,) <$> x'' <*> y'' )
-- Exercise: Identity Instance
newtype Identity a = Identity a
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Functor Identity where
  fmap f (Identity a) = Identity (f a)

instance Applicative Identity where
  pure a = Identity a
  (<*>) (Identity f) (Identity a) = Identity (f a)
-- Exercise: Constant Instance
newtype Constant a b =
  Constant { getConstant :: a }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance Functor (Constant a) where
  fmap f (Constant b) = Constant b

instance Monoid a => Applicative (Constant a) where
  pure _ = Constant { getConstant = mempty }
  (<*>) (Constant x) (Constant y) = Constant (mappend x y)
-- Exercise: Fixer Upper
import Data.Maybe

main :: IO ()
main = do
  str1 <- return $ fromJust $ const <$> Just "Hello" <*> pure "World"
  str2 <- return $ fromJust $ (,,,) <$> Just 90
                                    <*> Just 10
                                    <*> Just "Timerness"
                                    <*> pure [1, 2, 3]
  print str1
  print str2
-- List Applicative Exercise

append :: List a -> List a -> List a
append Nil ys = ys
append (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x $ xs `append` ys

fold :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
fold _ b Nil = b
fold f b (Cons h t) = f h (fold f b t)

concat' :: List (List a) -> List a
concat' = fold append Nil

data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Functor List where
  fmap _ Nil = Nil
  fmap f (Cons x y) = Cons (f x) (fmap f y)

instance Applicative List where
  pure x = Cons x Nil
  (<*>) _ Nil = Nil
  (<*>) Nil _ = Nil
  (<*>) (Cons f fs) xs = append (fmap f xs) (fs <*> xs)

flatMap :: (a -> List b) -> List a -> List b
flatMap f as = concat' $ fmap f as

take' :: Int -> List a -> List a
take' _ Nil = Nil
take' 0 _ = Nil
take' n (Cons x xs) = Cons x (take' (n-1) xs)
-- 17.9 Chapter Exercises

-- 1
data Pair a =
  Pair a a
  deriving Show
instance Functor Pair where
  fmap f (Pair x y) = Pair (f x) (f y)
instance Applicative Pair where
  pure x = Pair x x
  (<*>) (Pair f g) (Pair a b) = Pair (f a) (g b)

-- 2
data Two a b = Two a b
instance Functor (Two a) where
  fmap f (Two x y) = Two x (f y)
instance Monoid a => Applicative (Two a) where
  pure x = Two mempty x
  (<*>) (Two f g) (Two a b) = Two (mappend f a) (g b)
-- 3
data Three a b c = Three a b c
instance Functor (Three a b) where
  fmap f (Three x y z) = Three x y (f z)
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b) => Applicative (Three a b) where
  pure x = Three mempty mempty x
  (<*>) (Three f g h) (Three x y z) = Three (mappend f x) (mappend g y) (h z)
-- 4
data Three' a b = Three' a b b
instance Functor (Three' a) where
  fmap f (Three' x y z) = Three' x (f y) (f z)
instance Monoid a => Applicative (Three' a) where
  pure x = Three' mempty x x
  (<*>) (Three' f g h) (Three' x y z) = Three' (mappend f x) (g y) (h z)
-- 5
data Four a b c d = Four a b c d
instance Functor (Four a b c) where
  fmap f (Four x y z z') = Four x y z (f z')
instance (Monoid a, Monoid b, Monoid c) => Applicative (Four a b c) where
  pure x = Four mempty mempty mempty x
  (<*>) (Four f g h h') (Four x y z z') = Four (mappend f x) (mappend g y) (mappend h z) (h' z')
-- 6
data Four' a b = Four' a a a b
instance Functor (Four' a) where
  fmap f (Four' x y z z') = Four' x y z (f z')
instance Monoid a => Applicative (Four' a) where
  pure x = Four' mempty mempty mempty x
  (<*>) (Four' f g h h') (Four' x y z z') = Four' (mappend f x) (mappend g y) (mappend h z) (h' z')
-- Combinations
import Control.Applicative (liftA3)

stops :: String
stops = "pbtdkg"

vowels :: String
vowels = "aeiou"

combos :: [a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [(a, b, c)]
combos x y z = liftA3 (,,) x y z

main :: IO ()
main = do
  print . show $ combos stops vowels stops

2.7. Chapter 18

-- The answer is the exercise
bind :: Monad m => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b
bind = flip (>>=)
-- Short Exercise: Either Monad
data Sum a b =
    First a
  | Second b
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Functor (Sum a) where
  fmap f (First x) = First x
  fmap f (Second x) = Second (f x)

instance (Monoid a) => Applicative (Sum a) where
  pure x = Second x
  (<*>) (First x) _ = First x
  (<*>) _ (First x) = First x
  (<*>) (Second f) (Second x) = Second (f x)

instance (Monoid a) => Monad (Sum a) where
  return = pure
  (>>=) (First x) _ = First x
  (>>=) (Second x) f = f x
-- 18.7 Chapter Exercises
-- 1
data Nope a =
instance Functor Nope where
  fmap _ _ = NopeDotJpg
instance Applicative Nope where
  pure _ = NopeDotJpg
  (<*>) _ _ = NopeDotJpg
instance Monad Nope where
  return = pure
  (>>=) NopeDotJpg _ = NopeDotJpg
-- 2
data PhhhbbtttEither b a =
    Left' a
  | Right' b
instance Functor (PhhhbbtttEither b) where
  fmap _ (Right' x) = Right' x
  fmap f (Left' x) = Left' (f x)
instance (Monoid b) => Applicative (PhhhbbtttEither b) where
  pure x = Left' x
  (<*>) (Right' f) _ = Right' f
  (<*>) _ (Right' x) = Right' x
  (<*>) (Left' f) (Left' x) = Left' (f x)
instance (Monoid b) => Monad (PhhhbbtttEither b) where
  return = pure
  (>>=) (Right' x) _ = Right' x
  (>>=) (Left' x) f = f x
-- 3
newtype Identity a = Identity a
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance Functor Identity where
  fmap f (Identity x) = Identity (f x)
instance Applicative Identity where
  pure x = Identity x
  (<*>) (Identity f) (Identity x) = Identity (f x)
instance Monad Identity where
  return = pure
  (>>=) (Identity x) f = f x 
-- 4
data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)
append :: List a -> List a -> List a
append Nil ys = ys
append (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x $ xs `append` ys
instance Functor List where
  fmap _ Nil = Nil
  fmap f (Cons x l) = Cons (f x) (fmap f l)
instance Applicative List where
  pure x = Cons x Nil
  (<*>) Nil _ = Nil
  (<*>) _ Nil = Nil
  (<*>) (Cons f g) xs = fmap f xs `append` (g <*> xs) where
    append Nil ys = ys
    append (Cons x xs) ys = Cons x $ xs `append` ys
instance Monad List where
  return = pure
  (>>=) Nil _ = Nil
  (>>=) (Cons x l) f = f x `append` (l >>= f)
-- 18.7 Chapter Exercises
-- Write the following functions...
import Control.Monad
-- 1
j :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
j x = x >>= id
-- 2
l1 :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
l1 = fmap
-- 3
l2 :: Monad m => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
l2 = liftM2
-- 4
a :: Monad m => m a -> m (a -> b) -> m b
a = flip (<*>)
-- 5
meh :: Monad m => [a] -> (a -> m b) -> m [b]
meh [] _ = return []
meh (x:xs) f = (++) <$> (fmap (\x -> [x]) $ f x) <*> (meh xs f)
-- 6
flipType :: (Monad m) => [m a] -> m [a]
flipType xs = meh xs id

3. Sort

3.1. Quick Sort

def quick_sort(arr, first, last):
    if (first < last):
        wall = partition(arr, first, last)
        quick_sort(arr, first, wall - 1)
        quick_sort(arr, wall + 1, last)

def partition(arr, first, last):
    # use last element as pivot
    wall = first
    for pos in range(first, last):
        if (arr[pos] < arr[last]):
            arr[pos], arr[wall] = arr[wall], arr[pos]
            wall += 1
    arr[wall], arr[last] = arr[last], arr[wall]
    return wall

a = [5, 1, 6, 2, 4]
quick_sort(a, 0, len(a) - 1)
quicksort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
quicksort [] = []
quicksort (x:xs) = quicksort small ++ (x : quicksort large)
  where small = [y | y <- xs, y <= x]
        large = [y | y <- xs, y > x]
main :: IO ()
main = do
  let test = [5, 1, 6, 2, 4] :: [Int]
  putStrLn $ show test
  putStrLn $ show (quicksort test)

3.2. Bubble Sort

def bubble_sort(arr):
    swapped = True
    while swapped:
        swapped = False
        for i in range(0, len(arr) - 1):
            if arr[i] > arr[i + 1]:
                arr[i], arr[i + 1] = arr[i + 1], arr[i]
                swapped = True

arr = [5, 1, 6, 2, 4]

4. Regression

4.1. Linear Regression

  • Solution 1: Normal equation
\begin{equation*} Y = \theta X \\ \theta = Y X^T (X X^T)^{-1} \end{equation*}
  • Solution 2: Batch gradient descent
\begin{equation*} J(\theta) = \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^m(h_{\theta}(x_i) - y_i)^2 \end{equation*} \begin{split} \frac{\partial J(\theta)}{\partial \theta_j} & = \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_j}\frac{1}{2}(h_{\theta}(x) - y)^2 \\ & = 2 \cdot \frac{1}{2}(h_{\theta}(x) - y) \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_j}(h_\theta(x) - y) \\ & = (h_\theta(x) - y) \cdot \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta_j}(\sum_{i=0}^n\theta_i x_i - y) \\ & = (h_\theta(x) - y)x_j \end{split}
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from numpy.linalg import inv

data = pd.DataFrame({"square": [150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400],
                     "price": [6450, 7450, 8450, 9450, 15450, 18450]})

x = data["square"]
x = np.row_stack((np.ones_like(x), x))
y = np.array(data["price"])
# Solution 1: normal equation
theta = np.dot(y, np.dot(x.T, inv(np.dot(x, x.T))))
print("[S1]: Results: {}".format(theta))
# Solution 2: Batch gradient descent.
theta = [-2400, 50]
alpha = 0.00000000001
for i in range(100000):
    hypo = np.dot(theta, x)
    loss = hypo - y
    cost = np.sum(loss ** 2) / (2 * x.shape[1])
    gradient = np.dot(loss, x.T) / x.shape[1]
    theta = theta - alpha * gradient
print("[S2]: Results: {}".format(theta))
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn import linear_model

data = pd.DataFrame({"square": [150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400],
                     "price": [6450, 7450, 8450, 9450, 15450, 18450]})
regr = linear_model.LinearRegression()
regr.fit(data["square"].values.reshape(-1, 1), data["price"])
a, b = regr.coef_, regr.intercept_
print("Results: {}\t{}".format(b, a[0]))

5. Count words

- wc [wordname] [filename]

import Control.Monad
import Data.Char
import System.Environment

countWords :: String -> FilePath -> IO Int
countWords w =
  liftM (length . filter (==w) . words . (map toLower)) . readFile

main :: IO ()
main = do
  args <- getArgs
  wc <- countWords (args !! 0) (args !! 1)
  print wc


Edited by Isaac Gu on 2020-11-06 Fri 20:30